2024 Message from the Chairman
So here's to 2024: a year of resilience, joy, and unity!

As we dive into 2024, let's turn the page to a chapter filled with good vibes, high spirits, and Pinoy resilience!
Life's a wild ride, but let's face it with the heart of a tamaraw—strong, sturdy, and ready for anything. Whether we're cruising through the chaos of city life or finding calm in the province, let's keep the faith and push forward.
Gratitude is our secret weapon. Just like finding extra sauce in your street barbecue, let's appreciate the little things that make life flavorful.
Hard work is in our DNA. Channel the hustle of a palengke vendor and the determination of a balikbayan box reaching its destination. Every effort counts!
Our love for our country is unbreakable. It's in the smiles on the jeepney ride and the warmth of our hospitality. Let's keep the flame of patriotism burning bright!
Being nice? It's not just being courteous; it's creating a ripple of positivity, like the familiar "kamusta" from a neighbor or the random act of kindness that turns a day around.
And health? Well, that's our greatest wealth. It's the feeling of a cold halo-halo on a hot day and the energy of a Zumba session at the barangay hall. Let's treasure and nourish our bodies like a treasured family recipe.
So here's to 2024: a year of resilience, joy, and unity! Let's make it a story worth telling, with each chapter filled with the laughter of family, the warmth of friendships, and the richness of our Filipino spirit.